Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We just found out which language we’ll be learning and have narrowed our final site down to 3 choices. We’ll be learning Tashlheet, which is a berber language spoken in south-western Morocco. It looks like we’re clear of the zero degree high atlas mountains and may even end up near to the coast!!! I learned how to make a compost toilet and handmade ‘sink’ today, pretty interesting. I think we’ll get a chicken when we have a house for fresh eggs…We had our 2nd rabies shot today and have typhoid and hep A tomorrow, then no shots for a few months. We had a Moroccan version of spaghetti last night…not bad. We learned about common health problems and how to deal with them today i.e. athletes foot, scorpion sting, boils, sunburn, dog bites, allergic reactions, ingrown nails, strep throat, pink eye… Good to know. It’s neat to have to worry about scorpion stings and sand storms, not something I’ve thought much about. There’s a bakery across the street with amazing little cakes, candies and cookies which I visited today. I went to the souk (outdoor market) last night and got two new shirts. I know, I know. That’s all for now though, and besides I needed longer shirts as to not let my backend show. I did my first load of bucket laundry today and our hotel has a big roof with clotheslines for drying. The weather is still beautiful, not a cloud to be seen since we got here. It’s about 75-80 during the day and very sunny and then it’s chilly at night and in the morning. (hopefully your snow is melting J) We are having difficulty with uplouding pics...

1 comment:

Once.upon.a.Star said...

a'sallam wa lakum ~!!

i found your blog while doing research about joining the peace corps :) i almost feel as if i am walking along side of the experience with it being so current and all-- !

very helpful.. and i wish you springtime like growth in your adventure too //

if you ever need help with simple arabic phrases/ conversation techniques, etc. let me know :) i dabble in the language and dream of the lands who speak this tongue after spending some time in egypt a few years ago.. ((am in the states now)) .. one of the most beautiful aspects of the culture you've just entered is its people :) enjoy your time with their warmth there.. i'm wishing you many smiles :))))

anyway, just wanted to say hi,
and yay for what you're doing :::

i'll PM you my email (if i can do that?), keep in touch if you like :]
