Sunday, February 8, 2009

It’s been raining for about a week. We hear that Morocco hasn’t seen rain like this since early 90’s. No one is prepared for so much rain. Roads are washing away and every house is leaking. Including ours… just in one room and it’s a slow leak so just wetness but no puddles. We loose electricity every day for a least a few hours, sometimes the whole day so we’re all around ready for spring and the rain to go. Everyone here is really excited about the rain since it means a good harvest season so we have to at least act pleased that we’re getting drenched. We are dog sitting for another volunteer this week. It’s a young doxen that has entirely too much energy. She wants to play all day long and then at night she sleeps inside my sleeping bag with me. It’s interesting to see everyone’s reactions in town when we go out with a dog on a leash. Most people laugh but then they’re scared that she might bite them (even though she’s tiny) and then some people want to pet her. I actually feel like it’s a good tool to use to teach people about treating animals humanely since throwing rocks at dogs is the usual interaction. We are making progress on the toilet project now. We gave them a deadline and it seems to be working. We plan to submit the paperwork early next week and then the funds should come through in the next 6 weeks. I’ve been baking lots lately since we’ve mostly stuck in the house. My new favorite is cinnamon rolls from scratch. We can clean a pan of those out pretty quick. I also tried a lasagna like dish this week which turned out OK. Ben finally saw a doctor and he has bronchitis. He has some pretty serious medicines and seems to be doing better but his cough isn’t gone yet.

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