Sunday, March 30, 2008

HEY! I just got back from ‘field trip.’ It’s a chance for groups of 2-4 to stay with a volunteer to see what peace corps life is really like. We had a really good time. I got to sit in on an English lesson class, a family planning seminar at the clinic and a dental hygiene/nutrition course with a group of preschoolers. Today’s a day off for the health group (environment gets back later today.) I slept LATE, ate breakfast and washed laundry. Who new laundry buckets would suddenly become a hot commodity. I even went and bought my own so I wouldn’t have to wait in the 15 person line. I really need to get some rubber gloves for laundry, my hands are torn up. It’s pretty deserty where we are and my field trip was even more deserty so my skin is super dry. I got to do a little shopping while on field trip and got a new pair of sandals and pants. They were about 10 bucks total. It was nice to be with a volunteer and cook our own food! We made tacos and omelets (I’m getting a little burnt out on the hotel food.) It’s weird to have a whole day off! I need to buy a few things including a sewing kit but otherwise I think I’ll sit in the sun and read. EMAIL ME!!! I MISS YOU ALL!

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